2017-08-31 17:25:00 编辑:常州环球雅思 浏览:(971次)
更有趣:it is great fun to go out
呼吸新鲜空气:breath fresh air
享受大自然的美:enjoy the beauty of mother nature
在公园慢跑:jogging in the park,
爬山:climbing mountain,
钓鱼:go fishing
划船:go boating/canoeing(独木舟)/kayaking(皮划艇)
不被空间限制:not bound by limited space
1. 对身体本身的好处:
室内游泳馆:indoor swimming pool
室内篮球场:indoor basketball court
保持身体健美:keep fit, keep in good shape,
减肥:lose weight, lose fat
避免肥胖:avoid obesity
锻炼肌肉: build up some muscle/a strong body,
变得健美:be athletic;
培养灵活性: develop coordination of your body,
促进心血管的活动:help with your cardio vascular system
2. 放松,减轻压力:
缓解学习压力: release their pressure from study
神清气爽:feel refreshed/ energetic after swimming
增加学习效率:improve study efficiency;
Which of the following do you think the school should invest to improve student life?
1. technology 2.sports facilities 3.research
Some people prefer doing outdoor activities during summer, others prefer to do outdoor activities during winter. Which do you prefer?
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